27 research outputs found

    Magnetic structures in the rich magnetic phase diagram of Ho2_2RhIn8_8

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    The magnetic phase diagram of the tetragonal Ho2_2RhIn8_8 compound has similar features to many related systems, revealing a zero magnetic field AF1 and a field-induced AF2 phases. Details of the magnetic order in the AF2 phase were not reported yet for any of the related compounds. In addition, only the Ho2_2RhIn8_8 phase diagram contains a small region of the incommensurate zero-field AF3 phase. We have performed a number of neutron diffraction experiments on single crystals of Ho2_2RhIn8_8 using several diffractometers including experiments in both horizontal and vertical magnetic fields up to 4 T. We present details of the magnetic structures in all magnetic phases of the rich phase diagram of Ho2_2RhIn8_8. The Ho magnetic moments point along the tetragonal cc axis in every phase. The ground-state AF1 phase is characterized by propagation vector k\textbf{k} = (1/2, 0, 0). The more complex ferrimagnetic AF2 phase is described by four propagation vectors k0\textbf{k}_{0} = (0, 0, 0), k1\textbf{k}_{1} = (1/2, 0, 0), k2\textbf{k}_{2} = (0, 1/2, 1/2), k3\textbf{k}_{3} = (1/2, 1/2, 1/2). The magnetic structure in the AF3 phase is incommensurate with kAF3\textbf{k}_{AF3} = (0.5, δ\delta, 0). Our results are consistent with theoretical calculations based on crystal field theory.Comment: submitted to PR

    Magnetic structures of non-cerium analogues of heavy-fermion Ce2RhIn8: case of Nd2RhIn8, Dy2RhIn8 and Er2RhIn8

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    R2RhIn8 compounds (space group P4/mmm, R is a rare-earth element) belong to a large group of structurally related tetragonal materials which involves several heavy-fermion superconductors based on Ce. We have succeeded to grow single crystals of compounds with Nd, Dy and Er and following our previous bulk measurements, we performed neutron-diffraction studies to determine their magnetic structures. The Laue diffraction experiment showed that the antiferromagnetic order below the N\'eel temperature is in all three compounds characterized by the propagation vector k = (1/2, 1/2, 1/2). The amplitude and direction of the magnetic moments, as well as the invariance symmetry of the magnetic structure, were determined by subsequent experiments using two- and four-circle diffractometers. The critical exponents were determined from the temperature dependence of the intensities below TN.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Association between TCF7L2

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    Previous studies showed associations between variants in TCF7L2 gene and the therapeutic response to sulfonylureas. All sulfonylureas stimulate insulin secretion by the closure of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel. The aim of the present study was to compare TCF7L2 genotype specific effect of gliclazide binding to KATP channel A-site (Group 1) with sulfonylureas binding to AB-site (Group 2). A total of 101 patients were treated with sulfonylureas for 6 months as an add-on therapy to the previous metformin treatment. TCF7L2 rs7903146 C/T genotype was identified by real-time PCR with subsequent melting curve analysis. Analyses using the dominant genetic model showed significantly higher effect of gliclazide in the CC genotype group in comparison with combined CT + TT genotype group (1.32±0.15% versus 0.73±0.11%, Padj=0.005). No significant difference in ΔHbA1c between the patients with CC genotype and the T-allele carriers was observed in Group 2. In the multivariate analysis, only the TCF7L2 genotype (P=0.006) and the baseline HbA1c (P<0.001) were significant predictors of ΔHbA1c. After introducing an interaction term between the TCF7L2 genotype and the sulfonylurea type into multivariate model, the interaction became a significant predictor (P=0.023) of ΔHbA1c. The results indicate significantly higher difference in ΔHbA1c among the TCF7L2 genotypes in patients treated with gliclazide than in patients treated with glimepiride, glibenclamide, or glipizide

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the intergenic region between metformin transporter OCT2 and OCT3 coding genes are associated with short-Term response to metformin monotherapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2016 The authors Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Objective(s): High variability in clinical response to metformin is often observed in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients, and it highlights the need for identification of genetic components affecting the efficiency of metformin therapy. Aim of this observational study is to evaluate the role of tagSNPs (tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms) from genomic regions coding for six metformin transporter genes with respect to the short-Term efficiency. Design: 102 tagSNPs in 6 genes coding for metformin transporters were genotyped in the group of 102 T2D patients treated with metformin for 3 months. Methods: Most significant hits were analyzed in the group of 131 T2D patients from Slovakia. Pharmacokinetic study in 25 healthy nondiabetic volunteers was conducted to investigate the effects of identified polymorphisms. Results: In the discovery group of 102 patients, minor alleles of rs3119309, rs7757336 and rs2481030 were significantly nominally associated with metformin inefficiency (P = 1.9 × 106 to 8.1 × 106). Effects of rs2481030 and rs7757336 did not replicate in the group of 131 T2DM patients from Slovakia alone, whereas rs7757336 was significantly associated with a reduced metformin response in combined group. In pharmacokinetic study, group of individuals harboring risk alleles of rs7757336 and rs2481030 displayed significantly reduced AUC∞ of metformin in plasma. Conclusions: For the first time, we have identified an association between the lack of metformin response and SNPs rs3119309 and rs7757336 located in the 5 flanking region of the genes coding for Organic cation transporter 2 and rs2481030 located in the 5 flanking region of Organic cation transporter 3 that was supported by the results of a pharmacokinetic study on 25 healthy volunteers.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Variation in the Glucose Transporter gene <i>SLC2A2 </i>is associated with glycaemic response to metformin

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    Metformin is the first-line antidiabetic drug with over 100 million users worldwide, yet its mechanism of action remains unclear1. Here the Metformin Genetics (MetGen) Consortium reports a three-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS), consisting of 13,123 participants of different ancestries. The C allele of rs8192675 in the intron of SLC2A2, which encodes the facilitated glucose transporter GLUT2, was associated with a 0.17% (P = 6.6 × 10−14) greater metformin-induced reduction in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in 10,577 participants of European ancestry. rs8192675 was the top cis expression quantitative trait locus (cis-eQTL) for SLC2A2 in 1,226 human liver samples, suggesting a key role for hepatic GLUT2 in regulation of metformin action. Among obese individuals, C-allele homozygotes at rs8192675 had a 0.33% (3.6 mmol/mol) greater absolute HbA1c reduction than T-allele homozygotes. This was about half the effect seen with the addition of a DPP-4 inhibitor, and equated to a dose difference of 550 mg of metformin, suggesting rs8192675 as a potential biomarker for stratified medicine

    A maintenance of selected navigation data based on social network

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    Import 01/09/2009Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice aktualizace databáze pro navigační přístroje v automobilech s přispěním samotných uživatelů. V úvodu je přiblížena obecná problematika navigačních dat, uživatelských komunit a jejich propojení v procesu aktualizace. Následně je popsán vzorek vybraných dat pro tuto práci, jimiž jsou především zájmové body. Další část představuje současné aplikace využívané pro vkládání hlášení chyb a metody ověřování míry důvěryhodnosti uživatelů. Součástí práce je pilotní aplikace pro vkládání chybových hlášení. Využití práce je možné pro specializované firmy, které aktualizují navigační databáze, ale i pro samotné uživatele navigací.This bachelor thesis deals with problems of database updating for navigation devices in cars. The introduction of the thesis includes theory of navigation datasets, user´s community and their connection in updating process. Then there is described the dataset for this work (points of interest). Next part describes the contemporary aplications for inserting error messages and methods for verification of users. Pilot application for inserting error messages is one of component of this work. This thesis can be used for users of navigation and also in firms which update the databases.Prezenční548 - Institut geoinformatikyvelmi dobř

    Financial analysis and financial plan of Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o.

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je finanční analýza a finanční plán společnosti Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o.. Tato bakalářská práce se bude zabývat finančním zdravím společnosti Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. v období od roku 2016 do roku 2020. Cílem je sestavit finanční analýzu a následně finanční plán na následující rok. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. Sestává z části teoretické a z části praktické. V teoretické části je charakterizován význam finanční analýzy a finančního plánu společnosti. Rovněž představuje různé metody, ukazatele a také zdroje informací. V praktické části bude společnost Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. blíže představena a následně budou zmiňované analýzy, metody a ukazatele přímo aplikovány. Dále budou představeni konkurenti a na základě analýz bude porovnáno finanční zdraví daných společností navzájem. Na závěr bude na základě analýzy vytvořen finanční plán společnosti na následující rok.Témou tejto bakalárskej práce je finančná analýza a finančný plán spoločnosti Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o.. Táto bakalárska práca sa bude zaoberať finančným zdravím spoločnosti Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. v období od roku 2016 do roku 2020. Cieľom je zostaviť finančnú analýzu a následne finančný plán na nasledujúci rok. Práca je rozdelená do dvoch častí. Pozostáva z časti teoretickej a z časti praktickej. V teoretickej časti je charakterizovaný význam finančnej analýzy a finančného plánu spoločnosti. Rovnako predstavuje rôzne metódy, ukazovatele a taktiež zdroje informácií. V praktickej časti bude spoločnosť Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. bližšie predstavená a následne budú spomínané analýzy, metódy a ukazovatele priamo aplikované. Ďalej budú predstavení konkurenti a na základe analýz bude porovnané finančné zdravie daných spoločností navzájom. Na záver bude na základe analýzy vytvorený finančný plán spoločnosti na nasledujúci rok.The bachelor thesis is focused on the financial analysis and financial plan of Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o.. This bachelor thesis will deal with the financial health of Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. in the period from 2016 to 2020. The aim is to compile a financial analysis and then a financial plan for the following year. The work is divided into two parts. It consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part characterizes the importance of financial analysis and financial plan of the company. It also presents various methods, indicators and also sources of information. In the practical part, the company Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. will be presented. The analysis, methods and indicators mentioned before will be introduced in more detail and they will be calculated accordingly. Furthermore, competitors will be introduced and, based on the analysis, the financial health of the companies will be compared with each other. Finally, the company's financial plan for the following year will be created

    Elimination of the Users’ Error Reports Influence on Navigation Database Quality

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    Import 11/07/2012Tato diplomová práce přibližuje problematiku aktualizace databáze pro navigační přístroje v automobilech s přispěním samotných uživatelů. V úvodu je popsána obecná problematika navigačních dat, uživatelských komunit a jejich propojení v procesu aktualizace a zároveň přiblíženy současné možnosti hlášení chyb v mapách. Následně je analyzován vzorek vybraných dat pro tuto práci, který je tvořen samotnými hlášeními uživatelů. Další část se věnuje metodám analýzy těchto dat a návrhu možností, jakým způsobem informace od uživatelů zpracovat, s důrazem na zachování kvality databáze. Navržené postupy jsou poté otestovány, zhodnocena jejich omezení a závěrem jsou nastíněny možnosti dalšího zefektivnění procesu aktualizace databáze s přispěním uživatelů. Využití této práce je možné především pro specializované firmy, které aktualizují své databáze s využitím zpětné vazby uživatelů.This thesis approaches the issue of updating the database for in-car navigation devices with the help of users themselves. The introduction describes the general problem of navigation data, user communities and their links in the updating process, while also focusing on current options for reporting errors in the maps. Subsequently, a selected sample of the data used for this work consisting of reports from the users themselves is being analyzed. Following part of the thesis deals with methods of analysis of those data while suggesting options on how to process information from users with an emphasis on maintaining the quality of the database. The proposed procedures are then tested, their limitations outlined and evaluated, and finally the possibilities of further increase in the efficiency of the process of updating the database with the help of users are presented. Use of this work is to be primarily in specialized companies that are updating their database utilizing their users' feedback.Prezenční548 - Institut geoinformatikyvelmi dobř